Memorial Day Weekend Part II

Stories by UseppaGin

The fun continued.  All ages, red, white and blue, hula-hoops, cannonballs into the pool, lunch on the Collier patio, comings and goings from the island marina, old friends and new celebrating Memorial Day on Useppa.

Thank you to all the men and women…

the veterans who made the weekend possible.

2016 Memorial Kids Fishing Tournament

Kids, Fish, Candy, Trophies & Blue Ribbons

Holidays on the island are meant for kids and the child in all grownups. Captain Ken and Donald Beckstead made it happen. Plenty of bait, plenty of children, and plenty of fish at Useppa’s Izaak Walton Kids’ Memorial Day Fishing Tournament.

This year two anglers will turn 13 and so this was their last chance to participate. Isabella Soriero won her 14th trophy. Brady Stokes helped others reel in their catches. From now on they will be on the dock as role models and assistants continuing the long tradition of teaching Useppa children about catch and release.

Memorial Day Weekend 2016

Snapshots of Memorial Day Weekend on Useppa

Part #1

Photos and thoughts by Useppa Gin

Families, music, games in the pool, games on the beach, American flags by front doors, under a tree, on boats in the Marina, cookies for Useppa’s favorite veteran, a fishing tournament for children….Because of what so many gave, what men and women are still giving, we can play.

Thank you

Music on Useppa

A Piano, Flutes from Around the World, New York Cabaret Sounds & Four Musicians: Music on Useppa

Photographs by UseppaGin

Sometimes life on Useppa is magical. A Russian young man visiting his family played classical music in the Collier Tarpon Bar. A gentleman staying on his yacht in the Marina sat down at the same piano keyboard, and it felt like the Carlyle in Manhattan. A woman and her flutes from around the world transported us to foreign lands. An Islander with a low sultry voice sang “Summertime” and the spirits of George Gershwin Ella Fitzgerald were at her side.

Thanks to George Fomitchev, Cathy Eagle, and Gregg Lovine at The Tarpon.

Thanks to flautist Kat Epple, the Useppa Museum, and our hosts Vic & Suzy Trino


2016 Employee Appreciation BBQ


Photos by UseppaGin


Thanks to all the people who take care of us here on Useppa.  The Captains on the dock, the ladies in Housekeeping, the staff at the Collier Inn, the Service Department, and the men and women in the Front Office…without you, the Island couldn’t function.

You are the best!!!!!

And thanks to Paul Webb Martin, Miss Rosie, and Miss Brenda for the great party.

Spring Sunset Cruise

A Spring Sunset Cruise: It Doesn’t Get Any Better

Photos by UseppaGin

The ticket to board the Lady Chadwick was a silver platter of hors d’oeuvres. Tropical music, sunset colors, cocktails, and a leisurely boat ride just off Useppa.

Thanks to Paul McCarthy and Captiva Cruises for donating the cruise. Thanks to the Useppa Museum 2015 Fund Raiser. And…thanks to Carter and Mary Bacon who made us all welcome.