Hopping Good Time 2017

A Hopping Good Time
Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin
Easter on Useppa is a combination of good times and hard work.
While residents, members and guests shared a sunrise church service and Easter greetings on the beach, colored eggs were scattered and work in the kitchen began. The Joseffa was going back and forth to the mainland, doors to the store and office opened, the pool was cleaned, and trash picked up. Behind the scenes the co-operative efforts to make it a special holiday were underway.
Then the Bunny appeared, and the fun officially began. Bunny posed for pictures with young and old. Everyone looked for eggs. A gourmet brunch was served at the Collier. There was music and dining on the patio. Some went for a dip in the pool. There were good-byes and hugs on the dock.
Easter is family, and it was a wonderful Easter for all of us sharing Island hospitality. In fact, it was a hopping good time. Thank you Useppa.