Incoming Current 2016

Incoming Current & Shifting Breeze
Useppa Yacht Club Races, February 6, 2016
By Bob Stevens, Race Committee
Nice morning. We saw breeze at about 8 knots to start, and it quietly settled all morning, then shifted abruptly to the west. Caught me unable to set a finish line, and to get the final race off very well. Perfectly lousy starting line, with my boat not knowing just what to do with the incoming current and the shifting breeze. Sorry to have such a sad looking starting line for the third race!
But, six boats were out this morning: Bill and Sherry Welch in Purrfect, Paul Beisswenger and Michael Carmichael in Spirit --changing skippers/crew along the way, Ed King and Kim Lockhart in Coot -- changing skippers along the way, Ray George and Jim Doherty in Little 7 Up, Kurt Stocker and Tony Colgan showed up in Ragtime -- they too, changed skippers, and John Coyle was out in Sink 'r Swim.
We got in three races, the first two were twice around the windward/leeward course, and the final once just once around. The big news for the day was Kim Lockhart, at the helm for the first time ever, winning the second race, with Ed King as his crew aboard Coot. Nice work, Kim!!
Spirit managed a first, a second and a third this morning, Purrfect did the same, a first, second, and a third. Coot had Kim's first effort win and two third place finishes. So, each of the three won a race this morning, and they all finished in the top three each race. I had Ginny Amsler aboard as help this morning, and Stu and Diana were out moving marks with their usual diligence and attention. My thanks to all three.
Thanks to Bill Newbold, of Bill's Grille fame, who did the grilling. Thanks to Kay Chapin, and all the rest who helped with lunch on the beach.