July 4th Kids Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament - Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin - Twelve kids caught twelve fish in Useppa’s July 4th Izaak Walton Kids Fishing Tournament. William Siviter caught the Most Fish. The Biggest Catfish was caught by Weston Beckman - a 19” Grouper. Brothers Brody and Benton Ball tied, each winning a trophy for catching the same size Biggest Mangrove Snapper. AND…. For the first time someone over twelve also won an award. Useppa’s bait shrimp had died. Frozen ones were purchased, but they weren’t the same. Captain Rhett Morris was on the island with family and friends. He and the kids got in their boat, went out, and caught bait. Captain Rhett won a trophy for Most Bait Caught. Thanks to Tournament Director Kyle Corey, Captain Ken Horney, and Jasmin Al-Shimary for making it all happen