Sunday Croissants & Eclairs, and Seasonal Good-byes - Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin - Good-byes are never easy, and it’s that time of year for seasonal Useppa sendoffs. There are tears behind the smiles and waves, the musical shell cries as the boat pulls away. Lots can happen between May and November to the Island and to our Winter homeowners. Some this year said good-bye for good. And yet, on Sunday there were reasons for grins and fun. On Pine Island in the Getaway Café French Bakery, boxes of chocolate and vanilla eclairs and bags of croissants were ready for pickup. It’s on a first seen first shared basis. Employees and kids get the first chance when the 11:30 Joseffa Launch pulls in. Then …. If there are any left… lucky grownups can have some too. Useppa is a gift shared by everyone.