McMahon Regatta Awards - Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin - Trophies were given. Paul Beisswenger and Doug Ryan’s victory in the 2021 McMahon Catboat Regatta was celebrated in a beachside dinner Saturday, March 20th. Second Place Winners Ed King, Kim Lockhart and Jack David and Third Place Winners George Preckwinkle and Commodore Steve Acuff were applauded. John Coyle, one the club’s founders, was given a special award. Today’s Useppa Yacht Club still operates under its 1981 original rules… 1. NO DUES 2. NO CLUBHOUSE 3. NO RULES. Michael Albert presented John’s award “In recognition of all he has done for forty years to make Useppa’s Yacht Club the center of our social lives here during the winters.” Bob and Sydney Stevens were also given a special award for doing so much for sailing on Useppa for over twenty years. Honor was also paid to Pat McMahon in whose late husband Jack’s honor the regatta is named. Long time sailors “Old Salts” posed for a picture. The night was one more memorable Useppa evening.