Catboats on the Water - Words by UIYC Race Committee Chair Bob Stevens, Pictures by UseppaGin - Well, the predicted winds didn’t show up, but neither did the sun. Cold, showery, and grey on the water this morning. And, to top it all off, the breeze started out at 140 degrees and moved to the left (veered) 20 degrees to 120, then clocked back to where it began, and finally, at the end of the morning, moved back to the left (veered) all the way around to about due North, some change. So, with fine help on the anchor, on the Committee Boat we spent much time moving the leeward end of the course to try to stay on the wind, three times stopping a starting sequence to make the move. Lots of fine help from Dan O’Connell with the starting/finishing line pin. Managed only three races with all the time wasted chasing the wind, once still chasing it as boats came to the moving finishing line. Four boats were out. Ed King and Kim Lockhart aboard Coot (U38), Gardner Kent and Sarah Williamson sailed Patty P (U11), Paul Beisswenger and Doug Ryan were on Spirit (U8), and Andy and Dawn Hotchkiss managed Catsup (U44). Sturdy sailors, the lot! Coot was first twice, and had one second. Spirit had one win and two second place finishes. And Gardner Kent sailed to three third place finishes. Lunch at Bill’s Grille, though with some showers, was yet another fine showing. A nice time for us all. Thank you to all who made it possible.