Useppa Island Employees Celebrated - Pictures and words by UseppaGin - Useppa’s Employee Picnic is a celebration and a thank you to all the men and women who work so hard taking care of the island we love. It was also a good-bye to Comptroller and new mother Sarah McMillen moving back north to be closer to her family. Her computer and technical skills changed the way business is done on Useppa. Paul Webb-Martin, Head of the Service Department is retiring and will leave in early February moving to Texas and closer to his wife Jane’s family. He started work two weeks before Hurricane Charley devastated the island. His skills and determination, his loyalty and hard work helped us rebuild. CEO Tim Fitzsimmons says we could not have done it as well or as quickly without him. The Employee Christmas Fund given by Useppa Members was distributed. Pins were given to long-time employees. Gar and Sanae Beckstead have pins reading 42 Years. Tim Fitzsimmons’ pin reads 39. Lucky folks with the right numbers, won a chance to take a stocking from the tree holding either a gift card or cash. The menu chosen by a secret vote was a plate filling Mexican Feast. And then, when the party ended, the traditional picture atop the marina. Thank you to all Useppans, the men and women who work here. and the men and women who contributed to the Employee Christmas Fund.