Dedication of the Useppa Museum Miller Room - Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin - On Saturday night, November 24th Island neighbors and friends gathered in the Barbara Sumwalt Museum to dedicate the Miller Room. It was a chance to both honor the memory of Paul F. Miller Jr and to celebrate all he and Warren Miller have done for Useppa’s Museum and the Useppa Island Historical Society. Last year’s Museum Fundraiser paid tribute to both Paul and Warren, and the money raised enabled this year’s interior redesign to accommodate larger crowds attending Museum events. Because of Paul and Warren’s stewardship, the voluntary contribution of architectural design advice, the physical sweat equity of hard working men and women, the Museum Board, its Director Rona Stage and The Useppa Island Club, the Barbara Sumwalt Museum is both a place to learn Useppa history and to gather together as an island community.