Izaak Walton Tournament 2017 Part II

Useppa Izaak Walton Tournament
June 3, 2017
Part II
Story and Pictures by UseppaGin
When we weren't on the water, we gathered at the Tarpon Bar for directions, dinners, and a cold drink or two. Captains for Clean Water's Daniel Andrews and Chris Whitman showed a video touching on the history of Useppa Tarpon fishing ending with a tribute to Island fisherman Cody Davis. Sepia photos and old Tarpon scales are souvenirs of a centuries old tradition. A picture of Cody Davis pays tribute to a fisherman who died just a few months ago.
Friday night was a casual dinner, a chance for old and new friends to get together. On Saturday morning at 5:30 breakfast goodies and picnic lunches were available. Saturday afternoon when fishing had ended, stories were told around the bar about the ones caught and the ones that got away. Winners were announced and a trophy photo taken.
1st Place: Kyle Scheid & Cole Calhoun with Captain Ozzie Lessenger
2nd Place: Donald Beckstead & Rich Morris with Captain Jeff Bankowski
Saturday night a Prime Rib Dinner was served and Calcutta awards were passed out. Tom Liber and Donald Beckstead thanked everyone on behalf of Useppa's Izaak Walton Club, and announced that after expenses, all monies would be divided by Captains for Clean Water and the Tarpon Trust.